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Kathleen Monge
District Chair
Roses In Review

2022 Roses in Review Summary for PSWD

By Kathy Monge, PSWD RIR coordinator

​The survey is done and the national chair, Don Swanson, has sent out the results for our district. National summation will be in the January/February American Rose magazine. Also included in the magazine will be Member’s Choice and Alexander Gamble Fragrance award. These two awards are voted on by each district representative based on the ratings from the survey.

First off, thank you to all of you who took the time to rate these roses. Our total was 74 voices. So many are first year plants for us and difficult to rate with just 2 or 3 cycles of bloom. Not to worry as they will return for further evaluation next year. There were very few Dave Bang roses to rate, and this is on my suggestion list for next year.

Interestingly, all but one of the floribundas had an 8.0 or higher garden rating. Life of the Party had the lowest score of 7.8. When you look at statistics, the number of ratings of 5 or less really makes it difficult to say the rating is good indicator about the plant. Celestial Night had 25 reviewers leading to a more credible rating. For hybrid Teas the largest number of reviewers were for Painted Porcelain, Love at First Sight and Della Reece with 8 or 9. Not the large numbers seen with Ring of Fire. All other categories and a few reviewers.

A correction is to be noted for Eyeconic Mango Lemonade. It has been incorrectly listed in the Handbook for Selecting Roses as a Shrub. It is a Floribunda. The patent application listed it as a floribunda. The book will be corrected to reflect this mistake. Exhibitors and Judges will need to take note of this.

Take a few minutes to review the data for our district. The averages will include all districts in the American Rose. I have highlighted the highest rated roses in each section.

As always I welcome your input and you can email me at

The chapters and affiliates of the American Rose Society stand ready to help you with your questions about growing roses throughout

the district.  Information on the local rose society nearest you can be found on the Local Societies page on this website.


We are dedicated to help you grow beautiful roses.  Attend a rose society meeting soon and learn more about the joy of growing roses and the camaraderie it brings into your life.

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