New ARS Pacific Southwest District Director
We express our sincere appreciation to Linda Clark, who served in this position for the previous term. The new PSWD District Director is Ruth Tiffany. Here is some information about her qualifications and plans for her term in office.
ARS Master Rosarian
ARS Consulting Rosarian
ARS Horticultural Judge
American Rose Society Member Since 1990
Service to American Rose Society
Convention Chair for 2014 and 2018 San Diego Rose Society National American Rose Society Conventions
Co-Chair of the ARS Convention Planning Committee 2015-2018
Co-Chair for the 2023 American Rose Society National Convention and Rose Show in Shreveport, Louisiana
Service to Pacific Southwest District
Pacific Southwest District Chair of Consulting Rosarians from 2009-2012
Service to Local San Diego Rose Society
President of the San Diego Rose Society 2005-2007
Awarded ARS Bronze Honor Medal from the San Diego Rose Society in 2008
Served as Chair of Annual Fundraising Fertilizer Event Since 2010
Ruth does, in fact, grow more than 800 roses on a small corner lot in east San Diego. She says: “Growing roses in three different gardens over nearly 30 years has taught me, and continues to teach me, of the amaz- ing physical and mental health benefits of this life-sustaining hobby. I want to teach and show people that the beauty, joy, and healing power of roses can be stronger than the pain, anger, and division that exist so fully in our world today.” Details on the garden and her odyssey with roses are set forth in her article in the American Rose Annual 2019.
As District Director of the Pacific Southwest District, I will assist local societies to increase membership and help members in exploring in- novative ways to expand their society’s ability to reach and enthrall local rose growers about the importance of belonging to and participating in a local rose society. I will also encourage and support activities and programs to increase the membership in the American Rose Society in each local society of the Pacific Southwest District.
I will become a member of as many PSWD rose societies as I can to fully understand how each society operates, learn to know the leaders and
members of each society, and provide topics of interest as a speaker for those societies.
I have attended many ARS board meetings and have a robust understanding of the opportunities and challenges of the ARS. These working relationships mean I can assist our local PSWD rose societies to enhance their own relationships with the ARS and staff.
The Pacific Southwest District of the American Rose Society is the largest district of the American Rose Society. We should have the largest number of ARS members in our district, the most consulting rosarians in our district and the healthiest local rose societies of any district on the ARS----let’s work together to make this happen. If you would like to have a more active voice in the district, you should join the American rose Society. Now is a perfect time.