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Updated 05-2024

List of current Horticulture Judges:
ChrisGreenwood -B.jpg
Chris Greenwood
District Chair of
Horticulture Judges

All across our district there is a disturbing trend regarding ARS rose shows – the number is declining.  In

Southern California where we used to have 6 – 7 shows in the spring and 5 – 6 in the fall, we are now 

down to Pacific Rose Society, San Diego Rose Society and Las Vegas.  The same can be said for Arizona. Not only are there fewer shows, there are fewer rose societies with fewer members. 


Here’s the rub --  we have 81 accredited judges in the district which means that because of the scarcity of 

shows many never get the opportunity to judge AND because they aren’t invited they are not well known 

to the judges chairs that have the task of assembling a team of judges.  

1. All judges should exhibit - even if its only a few entries

2. All judges should attend a show even if not invited to judge. Look at what is being exhibited

    today.  "Touch of Class" use to be on the hit parade many years ago, but there are a number of

    newer roses that have become the favorites of many exhibitors; be familiar with them.

3. All judges should help at shows - setting up, tearing down, talking with the public, recruiting

​    new members, and answering questions.

4. All judges should be there to help the novice enter their roses.  Make sure they understand the
    schedule and enter correctly.  Be a mentor to the novice exhibitor.

5. All judges should attend any District convention, and especially a national convention when


I hope you enjoy the rest of the year.



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