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(Almost) Everything you need to know about Consulting Rosarians
Current CR List

The ARS has been putting on a number of webinars with a lot of great information.  Keep an eye out for those that allow for credit toward your Consulting Rosarian Update credits. If you attend

one of these, please let me know.

The  recent Consulting Rosarian School resulted in several new consulting rosarians across the country and helped to update several who were in danger of dropping due to being out of date.  Remember that CR’s can also earn 1 hour credit for programs given at their local society. 

Programs must be approved by the District CR Chair prior to the presentation.

Contact me, Tom Cooney, at 

      So, You Think You Want to be a Consulting Rosarian?  CLICK HERE

Tom Cooney B.jpg
Tom Cooney
District Chairman

Click on the applicable red button

CR Requirements
New CR Candidates
Active CR's
New: 3-10-2020
Schools & Seminars
New: 7-9-2019
Written Article Credit
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