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ARS New Roses Intro .jpg
Apple Dapple.jpg

WHAT SHOULD YOU DO before you even buy a rose, or plant a rose? 
CLICK HERE for a couple of ideas on getting started with roses.


WHO ARE THE JUDGES?  There are Arrangement Judges, Horticulture Judges,
and Photography Judges.  What do they do? 

Who are the Consulting Rosarians?  CLICK HERE


Which roses grow well in the summer heat?  CLICK HERE

To purchase a Handbook for Selecting Roses  CLICK HERE
The cost is $10 plus postage

This rose is called Apple Dapple - a short, bushy
Floribunda shrub rose.  There is no rating on
this rose in the ARS Handbook for Selecting Roses.


All PSWD ARS Members

If you are trying to pay your ARS dues online by Feb 7th and have been receiving an error message stating that the transaction is not valid in the State of California be advised that ARS is aware of the problem.

You may have called into ARS and haven't received a return call. The staff is doing their best to notify people but have been swamped with messages.

If you can, send in the payment via snail mail. The database transition will take about 2 weeks to complete.


In the meantime, register for the CR Classes as normal and don't worry about your membership status.

We will work on the issue after the database transition. If you pay your dues in a timely manner, after the transition is complete you will receive 

the full CR credits you have earned. 

Do not call ARS membership or awards about this issue, they are focusing on the transition and will not have time to return your call.


Tom Cooney

Consulting Rosarian Chair

Pacific Southwest District

American Rose Society

The chapters and affiliates of the American Rose Society stand ready to help you with your questions about growing roses throughout

the district.  Information on the local rose society nearest you can be found on the Local Societies page on this website.


We are dedicated to help you grow beautiful roses.  Attend a rose society meeting soon and learn more about the joy of growing roses and the camaraderie it brings into your life.

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